Monday 24 October 2022

Internet Find - Heritage in this Digital Age


Introducing this blog site - been around since 2011 (blogger Don) Was doing some online research on Turua and surrounding area - back in the beginning of the 1900's. This blog is a mix of Scottish heritage, Southland New Zealand and other places. Hence how I landed on: 

The Lothians: The Waihou and Ohinemuri River Improvement Scheme, 1911 - 1928 ( accessed 25/10/2022

A great account with photographs of this scheme - thanks blogger Don.

We live in a digital age emphasised with COVID lockdowns around the world and no less National Libraries and museums in New Zealand. No longer was it possible to make physical visits to these places for research and enjoying exhibits on display. 

Some over the last few years have made comments such as " Information on the internet is untrue."  "People paid to have their information in that book so is embellished"  All these statements are myths - possibly the outcome of facing new technology with scepticism.

National Library of New Zealand, Auckland War Memorial Museum, Auckland City Council heritage images - kura , Auckland University early New Zealand Books, Archives New Zealand  are  some of the New Zealand websites putting digital records up of books, photos, documents. Nga Tonga Sound and Vision re putting up many of those early films and radio interviews.

Overseas from the comfort of my New Zealand home can look up online Trove and National Maritime Museum Australia.

 Even further afield to National Library of Scotland  and the National Maritime Museum   Greenwich, England.

Yes for researchers and writers of history and family history digital opens many new doors of information.